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SkieBorne Art
All artwork Copyright Emily E. Weichbrod
Do Not reproduce Without Permission
I started dabbling in Celtic knotwork in 2004. Since then I have experimented with the styles and designs so as to make it my own, but still be recognizable to its roots. I find the design work, the ebb and flow and weave of the lines very meditative.
Make New Friends
Make New Friends
One is Silver and the Other is Gold
Metallic Ink on Roughmade paper
18 x 12 inches
(I) Shi-tzu Knot
(I) Shi-tzu Knot
Never Pass Up a Good Pun
Colored Pencil on Parchment
12 x 9 inches
5 inch diameter
Colored pencil on Canson Pastel
Duck Duck Goose
Duck Duck Goose
Mallard, Teal and Canada Goose
6 inch diameter
Colored Pencil on Strathmore Artigan
Precious and Free
Precious and Free
Out of our cages
7 inch diameter
Colored pencil on Canson Mi Teines paper
Over the Moon
Over the Moon
And the Cow Jumped...
7 inch diameter
Colored Pencil on Canson Mi Teines paper
Passing By
Passing By
Two Unicorns in Passing
12 inches x 18 inches
Acrylic on Roughmade paper
Run Wild
Run Wild
Wild Horses
7 inch diameter
Colored Pencil on Strathmore Paper
Nordic Spirits
Nordic Spirits
Hati Skoll Hugin and Munin
6.5 inch diameter
Colored Pencil on Strathmore Black
Fearful Symmetry
Fearful Symmetry
Tiger Tiger!
12 x 9 inches
Colored Pencil on Parchment
Cry Havoc!
Cry Havoc!
Let Loose the Dogs of War!
7 inch diameter
Colored pencil on Canson Mi Tienes
Leap of Faith
Leap of Faith
Avoid the Mountain Lion's Teeth
6 inch diameter
Colored Pencil on Artigan Paper
Ocean Play
Ocean Play
Dolphins at Sport
6 inch diameter
Colored Pencil on Canson Mi Tienes
Pandas everywhere!
7 inch diameter
Colored Pencil on Canson Paper
Capaill Uisce
Capaill Uisce
The Water Horse or Kelpie
7 inch diameter
Colored Pencil on Canson Mi Tienes
Ram It!
Ram It!
Battle Rams!
6 inch diameter
Colored pencil on Mi Tienes paper
Long Little Doggies
Long Little Doggies
For those that kept asking for dachshunds
7.5 inch diameter
Colored Pencil on Canson Mi Tienes paper
For Love
For Love
Tattoo for a couple
8 x 10 inches
Colored Pencil on Canon Mi Tienes
Traditional style Celtic/norse dragons in holiday colors
5 x 7 inches
Colored Pencil on Artigan paper
Swan Song
Swan Song
Two Swans
5 x 7 inches
Colored Pencil on Black Bristol Vellum paper
Fire Lizard Dance
Fire Lizard Dance
Fire lizards based on Anne McCaffery's Pern series
7.5 inches
Colored pencil on Artigan paper
Fisher Birds
Fisher Birds
Two Cormorants and Fish
5 x 7 inches
Colored Pencil on Canson mi Tienes paper
Caribou Dance
Caribou Dance
Two caribou
5 x 7 inches
Colored pencil on Strathmore Bristol Vellum
Keep on Carrion
Keep on Carrion
Vultures in Knotwork
7.5 inch diameter
Colored Pencil on Canson Mi Tienes paper
Werewolf bound by blood moon and silver
8 x 10 inches
Colored Pencil on Strathmore Black
Down the Twisting River Run
Down the Twisting River Run
Otters, Salmon and the River they run in
7.5 inch diameter
Colored Pencil on Artigan paper
Snowball's Chance
Snowball's Chance
Snow Leopards and Pika Prey
7.5 inch diameter
Colored Pencil on Canson Mi Tienes paper
Cat's Play
Cat's Play
While the mice are away
7.5 inch diameter
Colored Pencil on unknown paper
Halloween Commission
4 x 6 inches
Colored Pencil on Canson MiTienes
Yi and Yang, Black and White
7 x 7 inches
Colored pencil on Canson MiTienes
Leap Into Spring
Leap Into Spring
Grey fox, Silver fox and Red fox hunting a mouse
7 inch diameter
Colored pencil on Artigan paper
Song for the Fallen
Song for the Fallen
Pack Calls for Fallen Members
7 inch diameter
Colored Pencil on Canson Mi Tienes paper